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Cohesive Integration of Marketing & Website Creation

Several years ago, Rich was presented the opportunity to rebrand and develop the new website for Archie’s Gardenland. Our business is located in West Fort Worth, about a 5-minute drive from Archie’s, and many of our plants, landscaping and garden decorations have been purchased at Archie’s over the years. In addition, we’ve always been blown away by the architecture of the building and grounds at Archie’s. Architecture is one of our past loves, so to be able to represent such a beautiful building, company, and to help them develop their online presence was a true honor.


Fast forward many years, and we’ve not only taken the Archie’s site Rich originally developed and put it into a new WordPress platform, we’ve helped the Archie’s team integrate a stronger email management software to assist with better marketing emails and stronger subject lines. Archie’s is now able to integrate the cohesiveness of their messaging on multiple platforms, and they have complete control over the process.

Archie’s isn’t the first client we’ve helped integrate messaging, but they are one of our most receptive clients, truly willing to get their hands dirty alongside us and do their best to increase marketing reach. They’re eager to learn new practices and eager to put those into place. They understand that their part in this process is just as important as our suggestions for growth. This provides them with a set of tools in which they can sell and promote gorgeous flowers, plants, trees and garden art without the technical worries, and while always knowing we’re right here in order to help as needed.

Cohesive integration only happens when our clients are fully on board to implement ideas and provide us with the right ingredients to help get their messaging out to the world. Archie’s Gardenland has put into place many of our suggestions, and we in turn have done the same with their team. It’s a beautiful yin/yang balance, and it’s what makes marketing so much fun.



Jen Malloy | Craft & Communicate

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